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ELA's team continues to publish books, articles, reviews, children's books, maps, and other materials, bringing research to the widest possible audience.


Perlin, Ross. 2024. Language City: The Fight to Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues in New York. New York: Grove.

Papers, Articles, Chapters

Andriani L., R. Perlin, and D. Kaufman. Forthcoming. “Dialetti in diaspora: Preservation and loss in Italian New York”. In J. Hajek & F. Goglia (eds.), Italian(s) abroad: Italian language and migration in cities of the world. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Perlin, Ross, Daniel Kaufman, Habib Borjian, and Husniya Khujamyorova. 2023. “Wakhi in New York: Multilingualism and Lanugage Contact in a Pamiri Diaspora Community”. In Anousha Sedighi (ed.), Iranian Heritage and Minority Languages, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton

Kaufman, Daniel. Forthcoming. “The Mixtec language in New York: Vitality, discrimination and identity.” In Hajek, John & Norrby, Catrin & Kretzenbacher, Heinz L. & Schuepbach, Doris (eds.), Multilingualism and pluricentricity: A tale of many cities. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Kaufman, Daniel, and Ross Perlin. 2023. “Indigenous Languaes Between Erasure and Disinvention.” In Lydia Liu and Anupama Rao (eds.) with Charlotte Silverman, Global Language Justice. New York: Columbia University Press, 166-193.

Perlin, Ross, D. Kaufman, M. Turin, M. Daurio, S. Craig, and J. Lampel. 2021. “Mapping Urban Linguistic Diversity in New York City: Motives, Methods, Tools, and Outcomes”, Language Documentation and ConservationVol. 15 (2021), pp. 458-490, https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/74664

Craig S., N. Gurung, R. Perlin, M. Daurio, D. Kaufman, M. Turin, K. Tseten. 2021. “Global Pandemic, Translocal Medicine: The COVID-19 Diaries of a Tibetan Physician in New York City”, Asian Medicine 16, 58-88.

Craig S., M. Daurio, D. Kaufman, R. Perlin, M. Turin. 2021. “The unequal effects of COVID-19 on multilingual immigrant communities.” In RSC COVID-19 Series. Ottawa: Royal Society of Canada. (Publication #97.) (https://rsc-src.ca/en/voices/unequal-effects-covid-19-multilingual-immigrant-communities)

Daurio M., S.R. Craig, D. Kaufman, R. Perlin, and M. Turin. 2020. “Subversive Maps: How Digital Language Mapping Can Support Biocultural Diversity.” Terralingua: Langscape Journal, May 19, 2020. URL: https://terralingua.org/langscape_articles/subversive-maps-how-digital-language-mapping-can-support-biocultural-diversity/

Kaufman, Daniel, and Ross Perlin. 2019. “Surveying Indigenous Latin American Languages in NYC: A report to the NYC Department of Health“. New York: Endangered Language Alliance.

Perlin, Ross. 2019. A Grammar of Trung. Himalayan Linguistics, 18(2). https://dx.doi.org/10.5070/H918244579

Perlin, Ross and Daniel Kaufman (eds). 2019-2022. Languages of New York City (1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions), map. New York: Endangered Language Alliance.

Perlin, Ross. 2019. “Talk of the Town”, Artforum, October 2019.

Kaufman, Daniel and Ross Perlin. 2018. “Language documentation in diaspora communities” in Kenneth Rehg and Lyle Campbell (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Endangered Languages, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gurung N., R. Perlin, D. Kaufman, M. Turin, and S. Craig. 2018. Orality and Mobility: Documenting Himalayan Voices in New York CityVerge: Studies in Global Asias, 4 (2), 64-80.

Kaufman, Daniel and Raphael Finkel. 2017. “Kratylos: A Tool for Sharing Interlinearized and Lexical Data in Diverse Formats.” Language Documentation and Conservation, vol. 12, 2018, pp. 124-146. Reprinted in CUNY Academic Works.

Borjian, Habib and Daniel Kaufman. 2016. “Juhuri: from the Caucasus to New York City” in Maryam Borjian and Charles Häberl (eds.), Special Issue: Middle Eastern Languages in Diasporic USA Communities, International Journal of Sociology of Language, (237), 51–74.

Perlin, Ross. 2016. “The Race to Save a Dying Language”, Guardian, August 17.

Borjian, Habib and Ross Perlin. 2015. “Bukhori in New York”, Cahier de Studia Iranica 57:15-27.

Perlin, Ross. 2014. “Endangered Speakers”, n+1 20.

Borjian, Habib. 2014. “What Is Judeo-Median—and How Does it Differ from Judeo-Persian?” Journal of Jewish Languages, 2(2): 117-142. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/22134638-12340026

Blevins, Juliette. 2010. Saving endangered languages in the United States.  A Living Legacy: Preserving Intangible Culture. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs. 6-10.

Selected Reports and Talks

Perlin, Ross. 2022. You Have My Word. The Poetry Project. Sept. 7

Kaufman, Daniel, Ross Perlin, and Nawang Tsering Gurung. 2021. Linguistic Diversity and Covid-19: Listening to Invisible Communities at the Epicenter. NYC Department of Health.

Perlin, Ross. 2020. Counting New York: The City and the Census. New York Public Library. Mar. 4.

Kaufman, Daniel and Ross Perlin. 2019. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (Immigrant Health & Cancer Disparities Services).

Kaufman, Daniel. 2019. Language work with Indigenous Immigrants in NYC​. CUNY Humanities Corridor Workshop: Celebrating Indigenous and Refugee Language Communities in New York State. Cornell University. Sept. 27.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2019. Language revitalization and  language access in NYC. Global Language Justice Book Workshop. Mellon-Sawyer Language Justice Project. Columbia University. Aug. 28.

Perlin, Ross and Daniel Kaufman. 2019. Language Access and NYC’s true linguistic diversity. Presentation to the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Language Access team. July 10.

Kaufman, Daniel. Linguistic Research with Diaspora Communities​. LSA Summer Institute, UC Davis. June 30.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2019. Making Way for Indigenous Languages in the City: The View From New York.  Invited Talk. HELISET TTE SKAL ​Let the Languages Live Conference​. Victoria, British Columbia. June 24.

Perlin, Ross. 2019. “Stateless, oral, immigrant cultures in New York”, Workshop on Language in Its Settings, Columbia University, 31 May 2019.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2019. From field data recording to online interlinear glossed text corpus. NYU Fieldwork Discussion Group. May 3.

Kaufman, Daniel, Habib Borjian, Daniel Barry, Ross Perlin, Kathryn Rafailov and Matthew Zaslansky. 2017. “Endangered Iranian Languages“. North American Conference in Iranian Linguistics (NACIL 1), 2017 April 28-30.

Kaufman, Daniel and Raphael Finkel. 2019. Demonstration of Kratylos software. Technological showcase. International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation. University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2019. Community based research across borders. Invited panelist for Bringing Latin American Perspectives on Community Based Research to SSILA at the LSA conference. Jan. 2-4.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2018. Examining Austronesian prosody through the lens of hip-hop. Invited talk. CCLS Lecture Series , University of Cologne, Germany.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2018. Ways of engaging with urban linguistic diversity: A critical view from New York. Plenary talk. Big Cities, Small Languages Conference . ZAS, Berlin. Nov. 14-16.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2018. Indigenous languages in NYC: Ideology and conservation. Indigenous Languages: From Endangerment to Revitalization to Resilience. University of Michigan Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Oct. 25.

Kaufman, Daniel, Tony Woodbury and B’alam Mateo. 2018. Roundtable facilitator on collaborative documentation. Sound Systems of Latin America III. University of Mass. at Amherst. Oct. 19-21.

Alvarez, Jackeline & Daniel Kaufman. 2018. A Comparative Analysis of Alcozauca and Cuautipan Mixteco Deictics. First ILLC Conference. Long Island University. (Part of the NSF REU mentorship Program.)

Kaufman, Daniel. 2018. The Austronesians: Family relations and inter-family contact across six millennia. The Greater South China Sea Interaction Zone: A Workshop to Explore Interdisciplinary Interventions into the Study of the Ancient East Eurasian South. Columbia University.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2018. Discussant for Panel 326: Language Choice and Identity in South and Southeast Asia. Association for Asian Studies 2018 Annual Conference, Washington DC.

Kaufman, Daniel. 2010.  “Greenberg’s 16th Slayed in the Bronx?”. Harvard GSAS Workshop in Language Universals and Linguistic Fieldwork, 2010 April 13.