

Originating in and spoken in Ireland, Irish is a Goidelic language from the Celtic family — though under intense pressure from English for many centures, it continues to be spoken in the Gaeltacht regions especailly in the western part of the country, as well as by a growing number of second-language learners.
Seán Mac Giolla Ghunna - Irish
Frances Longworth - Irish
Daithí Mac Lochlainn - Irish
Aindriú Ó Ciardha - Irish
Agallamh le Dónall Ó Héalaí - Irish
Maura Mulligan - Irish
Barry O Séanáin - Irish
Frances Mulraney -  Irish
Na Blátha Craige (The rock flowers) - Irish
Glas (Green) - Irish
Tim McKeon - The New Island - Irish
Tim McKeon - Fill Up the Jug - Irish
Hilary Mhic Suibhne - Trén Bhfearann Breac - Irish
Hilary Mhic Suibhne - Slad na Soininne - Irish


Despite being the official first language of Ireland, Irish (also called Gaelic) has continuously struggled against English, now the nation’s second official language, since the beginning of English occupation in the 16th century. English has been the lingua franca in Ireland since the 18th century, and is now the dominant language in all but the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking districts) on the country’s western coast. According to the 2011 census, some 82,600 people (1.8% of the population) speak Irish outside of the mandatory school context, while up to 1.77 million people say they are able to speak the language.

The large number of second-language Irish speakers has helped revive the language, especially since a revival movement gained strength in the early 1900s. The number of native speakers has also been bolstered by the option of Irish-medium education and the increasing appreciation of the language as an important part of Irish culture and heritage. Although the language had seen a sharp decline in the 1800s, by 1915 about half of the schools in the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking districts) were teaching Irish with the support of the government. The language is also a mandatory subject to be taught in public schools, although the effectiveness of this approach has been questioned by many.


Originating in and spoken in Ireland, Irish is a Goidelic language from the Celtic family, traditionally divided into three dialects, Munster-Linster (Southern Irish), Connacht (Western Irish), and Donegal (Northern Irish or Ulster). At one time, there may have a Goedelic dialect continuum stretching from Ireland through the Isle of Man to Scotland. In comparison to the other Goidelic languages, Manx and Scottish Gaelic, Irish has more speakers and is more widely used — however, it is not spoken as prevalently as Welsh or (relatively, though not numerically) Breton.


Irish had seen a steady decline in prestige and prevalence of usage, particularly in urban centers and in the west of the country from the 17th century, due to the imposed dominance of the English language. However, the mid to late-19th century saw a shockingly steep drop in the number of speakers as a result of the Famine, massive waves of emigration, and increasingly systematic suppression by the British government.

Revival efforts began in the late 19th century (e.g. the foundation of Conradh na Gaeilge – the Gaelic League – in 1893) and really began to gain momentum in the early 20th century. Following the official recognition of the Republic of Ireland in 1922, Irish was declared the “national and first official” language of the country. The past century, and the past few decades in particular, have seen a steady increase in the number of both native and second-language speakers, although monolingual Irish speakers are now non-existent even in the most traditional of the Gaeltachtaí, excluding young children in Irish speaking homes who may not yet have had exposure to English.

As with its sister Celtic languages, revival in number of speakers and daily usage has been helped considerably by the option of immersive education, available in Irish (in some regions) from primary through tertiary levels. It remains to be seen whether the language will be able to reclaim even a fraction of its prior usage in daily public life, although it is not uncommon to see local businesses openly advertise that they are able and willing to use Irish with their customers.

Though the school system has been the focus of revitalization efforts, especially the Gaelscoileanna (Irish-medium schools), particularly enthusiastic speakers have integrated the language more deeply into their lives: speaking it at home, watching or reading the news in Irish, and so on. Through pop culture, the internet, and other means, Irish is gaining new spheres of use and, in some cases, a new popularity.